Thought I'd share a picture I absolutely LOVE of Jon. We rarely get a real smile captured in a photo. So, I wanted to share it with you - it just might be my favorite smile ever!
So, in keeping with my promise to try and post more frequent updates - here I am! Though, there's not much to "report". Last week Jonathan went to an appointment for which he was supposed to get an eye exam to see if he could take a driving test. Well, evidently, it was an appointment to schedule an appointment for an eye exam, which you can imagine he was not too happy about! :) So, his actual eye exam is October 1st. They are all booked up until then. He's being pretty patient about the whole thing. Sure, he's anxious to get things started again, but just recently it seems he's learning to wait a little better through the process.
This month he's got two appointment with the plastic surgeon and the ENT (ear, nose and throat DR.) to talk about some repairs that will be made. No, he's not having a face lift :) nor are they changing the structure of his face - he's too pretty for that!! They are simply repairing what was damaged in the accident. His right eye, the one that lost vision, often leaks tears because the tear duct was completely ripped during the accident. Also, because he broke every bone in his face there are some repairs that will be done to his nose. Jonathan joked to the Dr. that he didn't want to come out looking like Michael Jackson. . . always the funny guy!
Other than that - it's a wait and see deal still. We're still waiting on everything to fall into place and see what the next steps are. I suppose that's the frustrating part in all of this - we can't really plan. We don't know what's going to happen or when. So, we're all just in a waiting period, which none of us, especially big J, are a fan of. Still, we trust. We know that through it all God is preparing - us, the future and all it holds for all that He has. Obviously we're not ready for it all just yet, though we think we are. :)
So, continue to pray. I will say, the past two weeks have been better. There have been tense times for sure and some altercations, but not to the extent that they had been. Please continue to pray that would be the case. We see God working. We continue to trust that His ways are higher than ours and our little understanding can't fathom all that He is doing. We covet your prayers even still and ask that they would continue.