Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2:40 PM

This weekend has been a rather involved weekend, hence the lack of posts. Jonathan's first few days in rehab have been a big adjustment for him and for us. They immediately took Jonathan off of all of his anti-anxiety medication which did not prove to be a good decision. Jonathan became very irritable, kicking, yelling and just unbelievably restless. His pain medication was 7 hours late immediately after the transition, and you can not imagine how furious we were about this. They eventually gave him 4mg of morphine to get him started on his normal schedule. Still, he was restless and remained so for 2 days. They did start to again give him some anti-anxiety medication as well as a sleep aid during the night as Jonathan wasn't sleeping AT ALL. Yesterday I saw him settle down a little bit. He actually fell asleep with me sitting in his bed and him holding on to me. He slept that way for about 2 hours and I dared not to move as waking him was not an option!! When he did eventually wake, as is the norm recently, he was very emotional and volatile. It's almost as if he's waking up for the first time and very scared by his surroundings.

Today dad called me to ask again for your prayers. Because Jonathan is yet fully understanding his circumstance, what has happened and all that it entails the doctors are very concerned. Jonathan still does not have control of his body often times, and most of this is due to his mental capacity at this point. The doctor that spoke to my dad today informed him that Jonathan's brain capacity may be diminished because of the accident. Simply put - we do not receive that report! We are not naive to the situation, but we are believing for clarity of mind. We are believing for healing of Jonathan's brain and that it would function as it was designed to function. God has not told us that this would not be the case. So, we pray and BELIEVE for full restoration. Please, agree with us fervently for this. We are desperate to see progress in this area - so much so that dad has asked again that this Saturday during the noon meal, all that are able would fast and pray with us for Jonathan's mental clarity and healing. We know the power of prayer. This blog is a testament to the many answers and miracles we have already seen due to the prayers going up around the world in agreement. Please continue. We know it is a long road and that often times life takes over and the need doesn't seem as pressing when you're not involved in the every day situation, but please do not relent in your prayers or in the urgency of them. We love you all so much, and we are so thankful for your outpouring of love and support you have shown to us and to Jonathan. We celebrate and rejoice, in advance, for yet another answer to these specific prayers!

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