Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Jonathan has Physical and occupational therapy. He's done remarkably well in both aspects. He's walking completely on his own now and though he's still got his "gangsta limp" it is diminishing slowly but surely. During physical therapy they definitely give him a run for his money. They have him doing squats and other physically demanding exercises for someone in Jonathan's stage of recovery, but he pushes himself to the limit each time. He's definitely determined to be "back to normal" and has been told by others there that he is an inspiration. He is doing most things on his own, though he still requires help with some because of his sight, strength or other physical limitations. This is a far cry from the days when every small task needed personal assistance. The progress he has made in such a relatively short time has been amazing.
Thankfully, this week and last, for the most part, has been pretty low-key. His fits of uncontrollable anger have diminished. Sure, anger still ensues at times and words fly out that we'd rather not hear. However, the scary anger has subsided greatly. Please pray that trend will continue, and that Jonathan's frustration and anger would subside altogether. It's still a part of every day. My parents still deal with it mostly as they are with him throughout each week day, but this week has been good so far when compared to what it has been.
Rachel, our older sister comes in to town tomorrow for a few days. Jonathan, as well as the rest of the family, is excited to see her. He welcomes a change of pace as his days are pretty consistent - filled will doctors appointments mostly. At the end of the week another great friend of the family is coming into town. If his presence wasn't already enough to be excited about - he's bringing crawfish!! Most of you know our family is from Louisiana and crawfish is one of the many, many things that we miss from home. We've only found 1 place here in FL where they taste even remotely close to what they do back home. So, Jonathan's definitely looking forward to this week and weekend.
Last Thursday Jonathan went to go get his prescription filled at Lens Crafters. Because he has no sight in his right eye the folks at Lens Crafters strongly suggested that he not get contacts in the event that he would get an eye infection in his left eye and that affect his vision there too. So, he picked out a pair of glasses and got some shades as well. He said they definitely help his vision. Although, Saturday he came to me questioning if he looked OK with them and calling himself four-eyes. I told him he definitely looks good. He always will. He's one of the most handsome guys I know. To prove my point and to make you all smile - here's a picture of Jonathan showing off his new glasses.

Please, as you have done so faithfully from the beginning, continue to pray. Jonathan's come so far and the journey of all of this is just starting to unfold. In just a few days we will be celebrating 5 months from the day that God reminded us just how precious life is. The day that God kept Jonathan and the day that started a journey of faith that we have yet to fully realize!
I am glad that Jonathan is doing soo great, he is truly an inspiration on a lot of peoples lives including mine. To know how and where he was, and where he is heading is such a great relief to know when our Lord comes we will be with each other in paradise. Hope you, and your family enjoy the crawfish. Thank God I am not from Louisana, because I am very allergic to crawfish lol... and Jonathan you look very sexy in your glasses :) Now we are both 4-eyes. Love ya and God bless
You are a GREAT sister, friend and I am sure daughter also. Thank you for taking time from your day to inform everyone of Jonathans progress and you and your families journey of faith and trust. It is truly inspiring. I will continue to pray. Maria
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