He's come so far. It's hard to believe that the accident was nearly 8 months ago. Some days it seems like this process has been dragging on forever, longer for Jonathan I'm sure. Other days, it seems like it was just yesterday that I was at the side of his bed at 3am rubbing his hair because that was the only thing that seemed to calm him. It's been a crazy, uncertain, unwelcome and difficult journey. It's been hard in ways that my many words could never fully express, but it's also been life changing in ways that we are ever so grateful for. God's done a lot in these 8 months. I've seen His hand evident in so many instances growing up, but in my 25 years - have never, firsthand, experienced it like this. His grace truly is sufficient though, we mistake it's absence all too often.
Thanks is all I can say for your many, many prayers. Though, I'm asking for them to continue. Regardless of the outcome of this evaluation - there's still a long road ahead. We absolutely covet your prayers and your support. When I started writing this blog I had no idea the amount of people that would read it. It was simply the easiest way to get a lot of information to a lot of different people. It quickly became a place for prayer needs and a showcase for God's amazing hand once they were answered. So, please, do not stop praying.
Thought I'd post a recent pic so everyone could see for yourself all God's doing.
Jonathan & dad on Father's Day

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