The last post on here was about Jonathan being cleared to drive. Well, about a month ago he got a letter in the mail stating that he had to re-take another driving test and be evaluated once again. What we are assuming is that the woman that administered the test the first time, and did not pass him, reported him in some way. Jonathan was pretty nervous. After already having been driving for months now that privilege could have possibly been taken away again. Well, praise the Lord - he passed. I say that out of pure joy, because being around him had he not passed - dear Jesus help me. Thankfully, he did and we didn't have to worry about all of that. :)
Also, in the way of Jonathan's life updates, he just completed another workout course at our church. Every Tuesday & Saturday evening, for 6 weeks, he provided an hour workout class. It is definitely his forte. It's something that he definitely thrives at, and loves. The ladies that were involved just loved it, and can't wait til he offers it again.
Perhaps the most exciting thing that has happened since the last post - our sister had her baby. It is the first grandchild, first niece and their first child. So, to say that her arrival was a big event would be a huge understatement. All of us, except for our oldest brother who couldn't get off of work, made the trip home to be there. Oh, what a sweet bundle of heaven she is!! Rachel & Bryon are just the cutest parents, and little Mercy is the most beautiful baby ever. Of course, we are partial to think this, but really, she is! Jonathan has already named himself "Uncle SJ" - Santa Jonathan. He is looking forward to spoiling her. Mom and I haven't waited long to get that process started. :)
It's been since June that I updated the blog here, and those couple of months have been relatively good ones. Unbelievable that in just 2 short months we will be celebrating the 2 year anniversary of Jonathan's accident and life spared. Thank you to all of you - for your prayers, your support and your love. It's been quite a process/journey. We're ever so grateful for those that have been there with us the entire time. Many great things still yet to come. We'll make sure to share them all with you, so you can continue to see the prayers you prayed almost 2 years ago still coming to pass!
a few pics:
Jon's new ride - NOLA inspired Land Rover

Uncle "SJ" & his little neice

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