Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 10:40 PM

It's been a few days since i updated everyone so there's a lot to say, but in light of my limited time to do so - I'll write what i can.

The past few days have been days of learning and trying to figure out through trial and error what Jonathan best responds to. Dad made the choice Thursday night, after observing that Jonathan calms when he is coming off of it, to take Jonathan off of the oxycodine unless absolutely necessary. That night, and each night since, Jonathan has slept much more through the night then before. He's remained off of the oxycodine since then and is now being given another pain medication. As many of you know - oxycodine is a very highly addictive drug and because Jonathan has had it given to him every 4 hours for the past two months dad was very concerned at the repercussions of that. So far Jonathan has responded well to the cancellation of that particular medication. While we did cancel that medication he has continued to have other pain medication. They have a release patch on his back that releases pain medication as needed over a 72 hour period. He's done well with that.

Today I got to spend all day with him. Just he and i until mom got there later this afternoon. She's staying with him all night long. So, she took some time today. Early this morning Jonathan was starting to hum. So, I asked him if he wanted to sing. For over an hour he and I sang worship songs that he and I played together when he played drums for the worship team at bay life. His favorite today was "Here I Am to Worhsip". He sang it over and over again. I called Rachel and then mom to let them hear. It was the most beautiful song I've ever heard!! Once he was done singing, that time around, I started reading to him some scriptures from the Message translation. It's an easy read and one that's very plain to understand. I read to him Jonah, then Ruth, the first 18 chapters of 1 Samuel then familiar stories like David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lions den, etc. The entire time, an hour and a half, he laid there listening, making comments occasionally, "wow" "hmmm", etc. It was amazing. I kept reading. Eventually he dozed off. Soon after he had occupational therapy and did great. He can put his own socks on, count to 100, name all the months, spell all of his family members names, including Dixie's - our dog! :)

There was a slight incident. After getting his "protein shake" poured into his stomach tube he threw all of it up nearly 5 minutes later. It was a little traumatic for him, but we remained calm and got everything cleaned up, situated and comfortable for him again. As I was sitting in bed with him he rolled over hugged my leg, and as I rubbed his back he fell asleep. It was just a sweet moment. He loves his family and constantly wants them close, and we are more than happy to be there. Mom's staying with him tonight. Her and dad have been so great through this whole ordeal - constantly by his side doing whatever is necessary. The whole family has been amazing. Jonathan knows how much he is loved. Tuesday night as I stayed with him he kept telling me how lucky he was because of his family. The nurses and Dr.'s have commented about how amazed they are that someone is always with him - 24 hours a day he's got some family member with him. Mom's usually there all day long, dad often times with her and he and I rotate at night. Charlie and I come after work and Rachel is going to be flying in very soon. He may think he's lucky, but we're so blessed to have such a passionate, tender hearted and strong brother and son.

Thank you to all that prayed and fasted with us today. We know that God has heard our prayers and that the answer is on it's way. We're still praying for clarity of mind, strength of body and spirit. Healing of his right eye and continued healing over the rest of his body. His heart rate is still an issue, though his blood pressure is being controlled pretty well with medication. So, please continue to pray and believe for those specific issues. Thank you so much for your faithful, diligent and continuous prayers!!


mspinkkris said...

So glad to hear that things are going well. When I read these I get chills all over and tears are running down my face thinking of how unreal it is to all of us that are not there everday and every night as we all go on about our lives. Your family is AMAZING and Jonathan is lucky to have all of you. God bless you all! I will continue to pray for all of you. Thank you again for the blogs.

anointed_voice said...

I am soo glad the Jonathan is doing better, I am praying that God gives him more and more peace.

peter said...

Hi Rebecca,
So glad to hear about the improvement in Jonathan, but I'm not surprised. God is awesome.
Also glad to hear he is off oxycodine. After being on that stuff for so long he would have had a problem. I use a patch and it is a lot better, because it gives an even dose instead of having hi's & lo's of medication.
Will continue to pray for his needs & for you & your family. God bless you all.

Pete & Maria

Kimberly M. said...

Hi Rebecca! Thank you for all the updates! Jonathan's buddy at PMSI Linda Sanders wants to suggest that you allow Jonathan to listen to the radio station 95.7 FM "The Beat" on Sunday mornings Gospel Hour from 7:00 am to 12:00 noon. He always told her how he listened to that gospel show when he could not make it to church on Sundays. Perhaps that will lift his spirits. Linda Sanders is his work buddy that signed his book that he received from PMSI "Prison Break" for when he shaved his hair short. By the way, she wanted to add that she has her "spikes" back in her hair. She sends her love along with the rest of his PMSI family. We greatly miss him.



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