Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13, 2009

So, today was Jonathan's surgery. All went well. It was definitely longer than I anticipated it would be - 8 hours! I didn't realize just how much was necessary. Though they were simply repairing the tear duct in his right eye - it was anything but simple. In order to do so they had to re-arrange his right eye socket which makes it all more detailed. While it was a long surgery he came out of it just as he went into it - goofy and making jokes. I happen to be wearing a plaid shirt today. When I saw him in recovery, just after surgery, he asked me, with a smirk on his face, why I was wearing a table cloth as a dress. :) So, you can see - he's good! :)

I must say that it was a bit of an odd feeling pulling back up to the hospital. Though my mom and dad have accompanied Jonathan to appointments here, I haven't been back since Jonathan was released. Now, I'm here once again staying the night and updating everyone on his progress. It's weird, but it's a good place from where we were back then. Almost a year ago I was asking everyone to pray for his life. Now, I'm telling you how wonderfully he's doing, and just how far he's come. God is simply amazing. I realize it every day when I watch him. I sit here, in this waiting room, positively in awe!

Thank you to all that are still reading, to all that are still praying and to all that have been doing so from the very first day. It's because of the power of your prayers that we are here today. God has been so faithful. Thank you for being the same in your prayers!

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