As always, this has been an interesting and eventful month in the Newman house. The last update was in reference to Jonathan's surgery. As most, if not all, of you know - everything went great. They may have to go in again to put in a different kind of tube, but still, there were no major complications, infections or anything along those lines.
At the end of November, in celebration of 1 year since Jonathan's accident, the whole family met in Georgia for a week in the mountains. If you know our family on any level, you know that such a peaceful place didn't stay as such for long. :) We're a loud and crazy bunch, and we had a great time. Sure, there were events that we could have done without, but overall it was a great trip. As there are no TV's there, SCRABBLE was an every night competition. It's safe to say that we may have one of THE MOST competitive bunch around. Scrabble was definitely played on a level that most board games never achieve. :)
We're still amazed that it's been a year since the accident. Oh, what a year it has been. One of great trial, but one of great triumph! In looking back, we couldn't help but want to bless those that are in similar situations as we were this time last year. So, Jonathan got to cooking and mom got to shopping. Last night, with goodie bags, plush toy craw fish, almond balls, jambalaya and beer battered craw fish in tow me, mom, dad and Jonathan made our way up to the ICU floor at Tampa General. We visited the waiting room that was our "home" for over a month last year, and talked with those whose loved ones were presently there. Some cried as they told us their story, some expressed their faith that God would do the same for their situation as He did for ours, but all were amazed and hopeful in looking at Jonathan who was possibly worse off then their loved one, but now walking and talking and of course cracking jokes! :) Many said it was a blessing to them to have us come, but I promise you - the pleasure was all ours. To be on the other end, with the ability to proclaim God's goodness and come with a literal living testimony...simply priceless!!
After we talked to all the families in the waiting room, we went to visit the nurses and patients back in the ICU. We saw some of the faces that took care of Jonathan last year, and all were amazed! They rarely get to see what their work has done. When people leave the ICU they're not yet in the "finishing" stages of their recovery, and they rarely get to see that. So, last night was a treat for them. Of course, we came bearing treats of all kind - Jambalaya, cat fish and our infamous almond balls. Jonathan also ordered plush craw fish from mardi gras outlet in LA to give to the patients in ICU and the nurses and staff. We stayed back there for a while visiting with everyone since it was a "slow night" back there. We went over to "Jonathan's room" number 5122 where He was last year for over a month. I got a little teary eyed standing outside of the room with him, watching him talk and laugh and joke with the nurses and staff. Oh, how far we have come!!
This year has been...hard, remarkable, rewarding, blessed, stressful, crazy, joyful, and inspirational all at once. We've cried more then ever, and laughed more than before. We've rejoiced for all that God's done, while crying out for Him to continue the work that is still necessary. He has been SO faithful. That is the one word that has new meaning or true meaning - FAITHFUL - that's what He is. Even in the most devastating of times, when it seems our world is crashing down - He's faithful! He's proven Himself over and over and over again.
As we told the many families last night - we would not be here but for the prayers of so many around this nation and world. Your prayers, and the prayers of countless others were heard, and were answered. We can't thank you enough. There are no words to express our gratitude, so THANK YOU will have to suffice, and we ask that they continue! :)
Here are a few pictures from our Georgia Trip:

And last night - Jonathan now standing on the OUTSIDE of room 5122:

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