Today there isn't much to report. They did put in a feeding tube through his nose. That was really the extent of all the big stuff to report. They mostly wanted to monitor him and give him a day to rest since Saturday and Sunday he was in surgery. . . Each day we're amazed at the improvement in his face. The swelling has gone down tremendously and some of the cuts are starting to heal as well as his black eyes. They were deep purple on Wednesday and now are a darker shade of pink. I know to some that may seem insignificant, but to us every little improvement is a reason to thank the Lord and celebrate!
As I previously mentioned, Charlie and Bryon went yesterday to take a look at Jonathan's car. They came back amazed and in awe that he is still here. We decided to post a picture simply so that everyone can see for themselves what we mean by God's grace and the miracle it is that he is still with us at all.
The prayers and support received from family, friends, friends of family, and etc are not only touching but inspiring and the amount of people Jonathan has and will touch is remarkable. I am proud to call him my best friend and companion, its funny how life works because jus a couple days ago Jonathan gave me a card and he told me to "Keep your head up girl and stay strong, life has a funny way of working itself out" and I will take his advice until his full recovery. I would also like to take this time to thank from the bottom of my heart his family who have open their loving arms with kindness and understanding at this time. Please take this time to continue praying for them so they can keep strength and wisdom for Jonathan..
I am with you how can you look at something like that and not know that there is a God. It just shows us all how much He loves him...
Love you
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