They did start feeding him today. In a procedure on Friday they put a feeding tube directly in his stomach, but wanted a few days to put some fluids through it to make sure all was working properly. Since they haven't had any problems with it they started feeding him earlier this afternoon and so far he has responded well to it. They also took out the staples in his abdomen. They initially had to open it as a last resort the day of the accident to save him. With so much internal bleeding and other issues it was necessary. They weren't able to close it up until about 1 and 1/2 weeks later and today were able to take out the staples. Along with those two things they also took him completely off of the respirator. They wanted to see how long he could breathe on his own. He did it for about an hour until his heart rate started getting too high and then they put him back on. They'll continue to do this periodically to test his lungs and to ween him off of the respirator. He is initiating most all of his breathes, but still needs some assistance from the machine for now. We know that he'll be off of that in no time.
God has been so faithful. While yesterday was a rather emotional day for some of us, today was a day to celebrate all the small improvements and to really sit back and realize that this is not just an event that took place. This is life from now on, and while we're a little tired - we're so grateful for the opportunity to be living this with Jonathan.
I was thinking the other day and many of you that know me also know that my mind can wander to many places :), but I was thinking about later on down the road. I thought, how amazing would it be if once Jonathan is out of this ordeal, God would choose to use him as the vessel through which he would heal my dad. That by my dad's prayers of healing for Jonathan, it in fact brings his own! Oh, the amazing things I see God doing in this situation - all the possibilities that I think of - I just get so excited and anxious to see it all happen.
Sorry to everyone that I said I would get back to and let them know about visiting. They're still not allowing anyone but immediate family back in the room with Jonathan. Before, when he was sedated, it wasn't as big a deal, but now that he's waking up they are being very strict, because the more people in the room - the more agitated he becomes. So, thank you to everyone that wants to come see him, we will let you know when that's possible. I also know that many of you expressed the desire to come out and show your support to the family, especially my parents - all they ask is that you call before stopping by. There are many happenings here through out the day that demand their attention. So, they won't always be available. They love you all so much and appreciate, beyond words, your love and your prayers.
Just thought i'd share another picure to remind us all of Jonathans wonderful silliness :) . . .
We are in town for the holidays (actually in St. Pete). If there is a way we could minister to your parents (even if it means staying away and just calling at a designated time) please let us know. We know Jonathan needs their attention. If a visit over a cup of coffee would bring a moment of rest, let us know. 813-787-7734 (Steve's cell)
Mrs. Lennette,
I will pass along the invite to my parents and have mom give you a call.
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