Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 11:00 pm

Today was a better day for Jonathan then yesterday. They have started him on an ani-anxiety medication so that is helping him a lot! He still moves throughout the day, but now a familiar voice or a soft touch seems to calm him down when yesterday nothing would do the trick.

Today he had a small procedure. Basically, he go some radiation exposure to his hip. The doctors said they do this because it helps the bone that the repaired to grow back properly. Otherwise, he would be at high risk to need a hip replacement in the next couple of years.

Tonight, or early this morning, they are trying to get Jonathan down to get an MRI. They are concerned that there might be some access fluid on the brain. If the MRI does show that is the case then obviously, they'll need to operate in order to drain and relieve that. So, please be praying specifically for this issue.

On a brighter note - Jonathan has been responding a lot today. Earlier, he grabbed my mom's hand and held it, and the nurse asked to give him a thumbs up and he did!! Well, after being away all day because of work then leading worship at church, i finally got back to his room. Rachel was already in here. I came around to the left side of his bed and looked in his eye that was open. I just said, hey Jonathan, it's Rebecca and he winked his eye. Then I told him , I love you Jonathan. I love you big brother, and he winked his eye again. . . It could be totally coincidental, but I truly believe that he was winking in response to me, and it felt so good to have that.

He's pretty out right now. He's had a busy day today and definitely needs his rest. I am praying for another peaceful night, and more good reports tomorrow.

1 comment:

Andreaz said...

I know I havent been by, but I am always praying for Jon an you guys. I do plan to stop in by Friday to hear more good news. I am so thankful for the slightest progress. Tell Charlie to drop me a text because I lost my phone and dont have is number in my new one.


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