Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday, December 19, 11:15 AM

There are a few updates, and some specific things that the family is asking of everyone.

This morning they took out the staples in his head. There was a little bleeding with that, but all is OK. They just took him down to get the feeding tube put directly into his stomach. They have been waiting to do this until his fever was down, and they were sure there was no fluid there. So, he's down there now finally getting some food, which we are certain he will be appreciative of. Please be praying that with that addition there will be no infection or complications. With any additional openings or tubes there is always chance of infection. So, we are praying against that.

The neurosurgeon came in and spoke to my dad and I this morning. They got the results from the MRI, and did see some fluid build up on the right side of the brain. They are monitoring it closely. As of yet it is not enough that they would need to go in and drain it. However, they have noticed increase in that fluid build up in the past week. Although it has been minimal, they still need to monitor it and make sure that if it does increase then it will need to be extracted. We were told that they are not sure what type of fluid it would be. They said that if it is blood, that would be best and probably just drainage from his other facial injuries and surgeries. If it is blood then usually, they drain it and have no further complications. However, if it's not blood - it would be spinal fluid which would be an indication of some damage there. So far they have not seen any injuries to the spine, but he notified us that this could be an indication that there is in fact some damage. So, we are asking that everyone be in prayer for that.

My dad has asked that tomorrow at lunch, instead of eating, everyone fast and pray. We know the power that comes with persistence. We are believing that as His people push in and make our petitions known that He will hear our cry. We are so thankful that everyone has been praying and agreeing with us for Jonathan's complete recovery.
We know that God has been with Jonathan and us every step of the way. Thank you to everyone who has been praying. We simply ask that you would continue, more fervently than before. As always, I will keep you updated as news comes to us.

Psalm 35:13
Yet when they were ill, I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting.


peter said...

Jonathan, just a quick note to say Maria & I are thinking of you as always. Keep-up the good fight. You have alot of people counting on you to win this battle.

Rebecca, as always thank you & God bless you for keeping us informed.

Pete & Maria

Dina said...

Sweetie, you have know idea how much of a blessing you are to all of us who read every word and every update you print. Thank you
so very much Love to all and as always the family are in my prayers
Aunt Dina


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