Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 9:45 AM

Just before they took Jonathan down for surgery we rushed back to pray with him. He is going in at 10 AM to get some work done on his elbow. There was a lot of missing skin and possible nerve damage, etc. I don't believe they'll know the full extent of the injury until they're in surgery. I'll let you know as soon as he's out. Please be praying.

Last night was a good night. He slept soundly throughout. A few good reports for ya -they said that the bacterial infection in both of his eyes is responding well to the antibiotic ointment and is deteriorating. Also, they took the pins out of his right leg that was holding it in traction. So, we're making progress. Little by little things are getting better. They have also started weening him off of the respirator again and he's doing well with that. Only when he gets excited and his heart rate really shoots up do you notice any change in his need for the respirator, but that's normal. Most of us get short of breathe when we experience anything extremely painful or traumatic. All-in-all he's doing well. With each passing day, each surgery that he gets through without complication and every night that he wakes in the morning from is a blessing, an encouragement and a testimony of God's mercy and His faithfulness. We serve an awesome God!

1 comment:

Russell Faux said...

We are praying and thinking of you guys all the time. This event is a huge part of our lives as well, I wanted you to know that.

We have so much love and respect for you and your family, our hearts are deeply touched and we stand with you as we all expect God to astonish the doctors with Jonathans recovery.
His blessings are new every morning, may God reveal his love in every situation, both small and great!


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