Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 7:00 PM

It's Christmas eve and we're just as excited, if not more, then every other year. We've been seeing such great improvement, and we're so thankful to the Lord. For over 2 days Jonathan has been breathing on his own. He's been responding to family and nurses more regularly now, although still not consistently just yet. He's answered in winks. He has squeezed hands when asked and he'll kick his feet when we want him to. At times he gets confused, which they say is normal. He'll move his left foot when we ask him to move his right or vice versa.

I can't begin to tell you how joyful i am. It's going to be an amazing Christmas. We are all so blessed to still have Jonathan. To still have the opportunity to tell him we love him, to be able to hold his hand and stroke his head. We're amazed at how far God has brought him so far, and are thinking Him in advance for all that is ahead.

Tomorrow is Christmas and another day to celebrate and rejoice. Please pray with us that even more communication would be made tomorrow. That's our Christmas prayer, and one that we are sure God will answer.

Thank you for all your prayers and love. From our family - we wish you all a Merry Christmas!!


Kimberly said...

Merry Christmas! I have been praying for Jonathan along with my students at school. We love you all. Kimberly

Rukia said...

Blessed Christmas dear Newman family. As you experience the power of His birth and the beautiful expression of His love, may God grant you "all" your Christmas wishes. We rejoice with you in the many miracles already witnessed and the many more we know are still to come.

O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem! Come and behold Him, born the King of angels.

Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation, O sing, all ye citizens of heav'n above. Glory to God, all glory in the highest.

Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning, Jesus, to Thee be all glory giv'n; Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing.

O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!

Merry Christmas! We love you!
Restoration Road Gang (Joann, Donna, Jeanne & Kelly) Blairsville, GA

mspinkkris said...

What wonderful news about Jonathan's responsivness to your voices. I hope that your Christmas wish comes true tomorrow and he will let you all know in some way that he knows that it is Christmas and knows that you all are there. I think of how everyone else will be celebrating with their families and how awful it must be to be there in the hospital, but what you said is so true. There is so much to be thankful for with Jonathan's situation. God bless you all and Merry Christmas!

Gosdoski said...

Merry Christmas Newman Family. This evening at Midnight Mass I said a special pray for Jonathan and for you family. I prayed that he will be able to communicate that he loves you and knows that all of you love him especially on Christmas.
"Whatever you ask for inprayer with faith, you will recive." Matthew 21:22

Merry, Merry Christmas,

Sue, Dennis, Keith, Stormie, Brandon and Autumn Gosdoski

Valentin said...

Thanking God for loving us sooo that he sent the Greatest Gift of all..His he also have given you a miracle..your Son, our brother in Christ..Jonathan!!! May the Grace and the Love of our Lord be with you always!!!!

Than you Lord for the SUPERNATURAL Healing you have done in Jonathan's life...IN JESUS NAME!!!

We love you, you are always in our thoughts and prayers...
Andres and Ellie

Miss Nita Marie said...

GReat News!! But i just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you all today! I pray you have a great day.

Jessica said...

Merry Christmas! Love you guys!

Gary Sapp said...

Merry Christmas to all of you. I know this is not what you had planned for Christmas but God is bringing victory. We are still praying for all of you and Jonathan.
We love the Newman family.

Gary and Dee Sapp and the extended family of ours.

Candy Rivera said...

WOW I continue to be blessed and amazed by every report, thankful for Christ birth, that makes these miracles possible. Rebecca it was good talking to you.Have a merry Christmas with Jonathan, I know there will be many many more Christmas and miracles to come. Praying for you guys.

Love in Christ,Candy and family.....


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